Installation Note for the Catalyst 4500 Series
NetFlow Services Card
Product number: WS-F4531(=)
This publication contains the procedure for installing the Catalyst 4500 series NetFlow Services Card
on the Supervisor Engine IV (WS-X4515).
Software Requirements” section on page 4 for more information.
For translations of the warnings in this publication, see the Regulatory Compliance and Safety
Information for the Catalyst 4000 Family Switches document.
This publication contains these major sections:
Corporate Headquarters:
Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
Copyright © 2002. Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Safety Overview
Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu einer
Körperverletzung führen könnte. Bevor Sie mit der Arbeit an irgendeinem Gerät beginnen, seien Sie
sich der mit elektrischen Stromkreisen verbundenen Gefahren und der Standardpraktiken zur
Vermeidung von Unfällen bewußt. Übersetzungen der in dieser Veröffentlichung enthaltenen
Warnhinweise finden Sie im Dokument Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
(Informationen zu behördlichen Vorschriften und Sicherheit), das zusammen mit diesem Gerät
geliefert wurde.
Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle
persone. Prima di lavorare su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre conoscere i pericoli relativi ai
circuiti elettrici ed essere al corrente delle pratiche standard per la prevenzione di incidenti. La
traduzione delle avvertenze riportate in questa pubblicazione si trova nel documento Regulatory
Compliance and Safety Information (Conformità alle norme e informazioni sulla sicurezza) che
accompagna questo dispositivo.
Dette varselsymbolet betyr fare. Du befinner deg i en situasjon som kan føre til personskade. Før du
utfører arbeid på utstyr, må du vare oppmerksom på de faremomentene som elektriske kretser
innebærer, samt gjøre deg kjent med vanlig praksis når det gjelder å unngå ulykker. Hvis du vil se
oversettelser av de advarslene som finnes i denne publikasjonen, kan du se i dokumentet Regulatory
Compliance and Safety Information (Overholdelse av forskrifter og sikkerhetsinformasjon) som ble
levert med denne enheten.
Este símbolo de aviso indica perigo. Encontra-se numa situação que lhe poderá causar danos
físicos. Antes de começar a trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, familiarize-se com os perigos
relacionados com circuitos eléctricos, e com quaisquer práticas comuns que possam prevenir
possíveis acidentes. Para ver as traduções dos avisos que constam desta publicação, consulte o
documento Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Informação de Segurança e Disposições
Reguladoras) que acompanha este dispositivo.
Este símbolo de aviso significa peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular
cualquier equipo, considerar los riesgos que entraña la corriente eléctrica y familiarizarse con los
procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes. Para ver una traducción de las advertencias
que aparecen en esta publicación, consultar el documento titulado Regulatory Compliance and
Safety Information (Información sobre seguridad y conformidad con las disposiciones
reglamentarias) que se acompaña con este dispositivo.
Denna varningssymbol signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada.
Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och
känna till vanligt förfarande för att förebygga skador. Se förklaringar av de varningar som förkommer
i denna publikation i dokumentet Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information (Efterrättelse av
föreskrifter och säkerhetsinformation), vilket medföljer denna anordning.
Before you install, operate, or service the system, read the Site Preparation and Safety Guide. This
guide contains important safety information you should know before working with the system.
Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install or replace this equipment.
Safety Overview
Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware and Software Requirements
To install and use the NetFlow Services Card, you need the following:
Catalyst 4500 series switch (Catalyst 4503, 4506, 4507R, or Catalyst 4006)
Supervisor Engine IV or Supervisor Engine V running Cisco IOS Version 12.1(13)EW or greater
Required Tools
You will need these tools to install the Catalyst 4500 series NetFlow Services Card:
Antistatic mat or foam pad to support the removed module
Number 1 Phillips screwdriver for the screws and cap nuts that fasten the NetFlow Services Card to
the supervisor engine
Your own electrostatic discharge (ESD)-prevention equipment or the disposable grounding wrist
strap included with all upgrade kits, field-replaceable units (FRUs), and spares
Whenever you handle any FRU, always use a wrist strap or other grounding device to prevent ESD. For
information on preventing ESD, refer to the “Preventing ESD” section of the Site Preparation and Safety
Installing the NetFlow Services Card
To install the NetFlow Services Card on a Supervisor Engine IV, follow these steps:
During this procedure, wear grounding wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the card. Do not directly
touch the backplane with your hand or any metal tool, or you could shock yourself.
Step 1
Step 2
Remove the supervisor engine from the Catalyst 4500 series switch. (Refer to Chapter 3, Installing the
Modules, in the Catalyst 4500 Series Module Installation Guide for removal and installation
Place the supervisor engine on an antistatic mat or foam, with the front of the supervisor engine facing
toward you.
Step 3
Step 4
Remove the NetFlow Services Card from its antistatic bag.
Align the three mounting holes on the NetFlow Services Card with the three male standoff insulators on
Hardware and Software Requirements
Installing the NetFlow Services Card
Figure 1
Aligning the NetFlow Services Card
Heat sink
Step 5
Ensure that the connectors on the NetFlow Services Card are aligned with the connectors on
the supervisor engine, which should happen automatically when the mounting holes are correctly
Step 6
Apply pressure to the NetFlow Services Card to seat the connectors.
Use care not to damage the connectors on the supervisor engine. If you damage a connector, you will
have to return the supervisor engine to Cisco for repair.
Step 7
Using the screws to seat the NetFlow Services Card could warp the card. Before you install and tighten
the securing screws, ensure that the NetFlow Services Card is fully seated by visually verifying that there
is no gap between the male and female keys on the connectors and that the bottom of the NetFlow
Services Card is in contact with the tops of the standoffs.
Using a Phillips screwdriver, install two screws at the front of the NetFlow Services Card and one screw
Before installing the securing screws, visually verify that there are standoffs beneath the mounting holes.
You must install all the screws. The screws provide grounding between the NetFlow Services Card and
the module. Failure to install all screws will invalidate the safety approvals and pose a risk of fire and
electrical hazard.
Step 8
Step 9
Install the supervisor engine in the Catalyst 4500 series switch. (Refer to the Catalyst 4500 Series
Module Installation Guide for installation instructions.)
Power up the switch. If the switch comes online normally, the system has acknowledged the supervisor
engine and the NetFlow Services Card and has brought them online.
Installing the NetFlow Services Card
Related Documentation
Related Documentation
For additional information on Catalyst 4500 series switches and command-line interface (CLI)
commands, refer to the following publications:
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for the Catalyst 4000 Family Switch
Cisco IOS Command Reference for the Catalyst 4000 Family Switch
Cisco IOS System Message Guide for the Catalyst 4000 Family Switch
Catalyst 4500 Series Installation Guide
Catalyst 4000 Family Module Installation Guide
Obtaining Documentation
These sections explain how to obtain documentation from Cisco Systems.
World Wide Web
You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at this URL:
Translated documentation is available at this URL:
Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a Cisco Documentation CD-ROM
package, which is shipped with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may
be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or
through an annual subscription.
Ordering Documentation
You can order Cisco documentation in these ways:
Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order Cisco product documentation from
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Registered users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online Subscription
Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local account representative by
calling Cisco Systems Corporate Headquarters (California, U.S.A.) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere
in North America, by calling 800 553-NETS (6387).
Related Documentation
Obtaining Technical Assistance
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Documentation Feedback
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Cisco TAC inquiries are categorized according to the urgency of the issue:
Priority level 4 (P4)—You need information or assistance concerning Cisco product capabilities,
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Priority level 3 (P3)—Your network performance is degraded. Network functionality is noticeably
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Priority level 2 (P2)—Your production network is severely degraded, affecting significant aspects
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service contracts, when applicable.
This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the “Related Documentation” section.
Copyright © 2002, Cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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