e Trust Agent for Cisco Network
Admission Control (NAC)
Installation Guide
Chapter 1: Overview
This chapter provides a brief description of how the eTrust Agent for Cisco
Network Admission Control (NAC) works and lists the Computer Associates
applications that are currently NAC-enabled. In addition, this chapter describes
system requirements and product components.
Note: This document assumes that Cisco NAC is fully installed and running in
your network environment. For information about Cisco NAC, refer to the
following Cisco documents:
Network Admission Control (NAC) home page:
NAC User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 3.3
NAC Attribute Management
How the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC Works
The eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC discovers the posture attributes for Computer
Associates applications on an end-point device that attempts to access or use
resources on a network administered with Cisco NAC. The Cisco Trust Agent
(CTA), also located on the end-point device, passes the posture attributes to a
Cisco Access Control Server (ACS). The ACS compares the posture attributes
with a set of policies previously defined by a network administrator. Based on
the results of the comparison, the end-point device may either be granted full
primary network access or placed into a separate virtual network, where the
device can go through a remediation process before it is allowed to connect to the
primary network.
Overview 5
C omputer Assoc ia tes NAC -Ena bled Applic a tions
Computer Associates NAC-Enabled Applications
The following Computer Associates applications are NAC-enabled:
InoculateIT 6
eTrust Antivirus r6, r7, r7.x
eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware r5
eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware Corporate Edition r5
The eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC discovers the posture attributes of these
applications if they exist on an end-point device.
System Requirements
An end-point device running the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC requires the
System Components
Pentium-class processor
Network connection
Operating System
English version of:
Windows NT, with Service Pack 6
Windows 2000
Windows XP Professional
Hard Disk Space
20 MB
128 MB for Windows NT and Windows 2000
256 MB for Windows XP
Cisco Trust Agent 1.0
6 Insta lla tion G uide
Produc t C omponents
Product Components
The eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC consists of the following components:
The cai-pp.txt file contains information for Computer Associates applications
in the form of attribute/value pairs. You use this file with the CSUtil.exe
program to add the Compute Associates product attribute definitions to the
Cisco Secure ACS NAC database.
The cai-pp.dll file is the eTrust Agent for NAC, which discovers the posture
attributes of Computer Associates applications running on an end-point
device. You use the CAPPInstall.exe program to install the plug-in on an
end-point device.
The cai-pp.inf file contains the eTrust Agent attribute definitions. The Cisco
Trust Agent uses this file to communicate Computer Associates product
attributes to the Cisco Secure ACS database.
Overview 7
Chapter 2: Setting Up eTrust Agent for
Cisco NAC
This chapter contains procedures for setting up eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC. The
set up process includes:
Adding Computer Associates attributes to the Cisco Secure ACS NAC
Installing the Cisco Trust Agent on all end-point devices
Installing the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC on all end-point devices
Verifying the installation
Note: The procedures in this chapter assume Cisco NAC is currently running in
your network environment and is administered with Cisco Secure ACS 3.3.
Setting Up eTrust Agent for C isc o NAC 9
Add C omputer Assoc ia tes Attributes to the NAC Da ta ba se
Add Computer Associates Attributes to the NAC Database
Before you can define policies for Computer Associates posture attributes, you
must first add the attribute/value pairs to the Cisco Secure ACS NAC database.
Note: The following procedure assumes Cisco Secure ACS 3.3 is installed at:
C:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS v3.3
To add Computer Associates attributes to the Cisco Secure ACS NAC database,
follow these steps:
1. Go to the Computer Associates SupportConnect website,, and locate the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC.
2. Download the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC to a system typically used for
network management tasks.
3. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to a temporary directory,
such as C:\Temp.
4. On the Cisco Secure ACS 3.3 for Windows system, copy the file cai-pp.txt to:
C:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS v3.3\Utils
The cai-pp.txt file contains the attribute/value pairs for NAC-enabled
Computer Associates applications.
5. From the C:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS v3.3\Utils directory, run the
following command:
CSUtil.exe -addavp cai-pp.txt
The CSUtil.exe program adds the attribute/value pairs to the Cisco Secure
ACS NAC database.
Use the Cisco Secure ACS user interface to configure policies for Computer
Associates products. For instructions, refer to the Cisco document NAC User
Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 3.3.
Install the Cisco Trust Agent
Install the Cisco Trust Agent on all end-point devices, such as desktop
computers, workstations, laptops, and servers that connect to or use network
resources. Download and install the Cisco Trust Agent 1.0 from the Cisco
10 Insta lla tion G uide
Insta ll the eTrust Agent for C isc o NAC
Install the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC
Install the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC on all end-point devices, such as desktop
computers, workstations, laptops, and servers that connect to or use network
To install the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC on an end-point device, follow these
1. From the directory you downloaded the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC,
distribute CAPPInstall.exe to all end-point devices.
2. Run the following command to silently install the eTrust Agent for NAC on
the end-point device:
CAPPInstall.exe -silent
The files cai-pp.dll and cai-pp.inf are installed in
Systems\CiscoTrustAgent\Plugins\Install. The next time the Cisco Trust
Agent runs, these files are automatically moved up one directory level to
Verify the Installation
Use Cisco Secure ACS to verify that the Computer Associates attributes have
been installed. For instructions, refer to the Cisco document NAC User Guide for
Cisco Secure ACS 3.3.
To verify the installation of the eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC on an individual
end-point device, restart the device and check that the following files exist in
%CommonProgramFiles%\Cisco Systems\Cisco TrustAgent\Plugins:
For further assistance, see the Computer Associates SupportConnect website at
additional information or contact a Customer Support representative.
Setting Up eTrust Agent for C isc o NAC 11
Appendix A: Computer Associates
Attribute Information
This appendix contains the attribute information for Computer Associates
applications that are NAC-enabled. For information on how to manage NAC
attributes, refer to the Cisco document NAC Attribute Management.
Application Types
The Cisco Trust Agent uses a Cisco-defined application type to uniquely identify
and report posture attributes of NAC-enabled products from a single vendor.
The following types apply to Computer Associates products:
eTrust Antivirus
eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware
C omputer Assoc ia tes Attribute Informa tion 13
eTrust Antivirus Attributes
eTrust Antivirus Attributes
Cisco has defined eight standard NAC attributes for anti-virus applications. The
eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC supports the reporting of these eight anti-virus
attributes to the Cisco Secure ACS NAC database as follows:
The product name: eTrust Antivirus
The product ID as defined by Computer Associates: 1
The product version number, as displayed in the eTrust Antivirus Version
Information dialog
The version of the currently active Realtime scan engine, as displayed in the
Details for area of the eTrust Antivirus Version Information dialog
The signature version of the currently active Realtime scan engine, as
displayed in the Engine Information area of the eTrust Antivirus Version
Information dialog
The date and time the currently active Realtime scan engine was last
updated, as displayed in the Engine Information area of the eTrust Antivirus
Version Information dialog
Note: The Last Update date/time provides a more accurate representation of
the device’s posture than the Build Date of the virus signatures.
Current status of Realtime Monitor: 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled
A hexadecimal string that represents how infected files are treated by the
Realtime scanner:
00000000 – Report only
00000001 – Cure
00000002 – Rename
00000003 – Delete
00000004 – Move
14 Insta lla tion G uide
eTrust PestPa trol Anti-Spywa re Attributes
eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware Attributes
Cisco has defined eight standard NAC attributes for anti-spyware applications.
The eTrust Agent for Cisco NAC supports the reporting of these eight anti-
spyware attributes to the Cisco Secure ACS NAC database as follows:
The name of the product, either eTrust PestPatrol Corporate Edition or
eTrust PestPatrol
The product ID as defined by Computer Associates: 2
The product version number:
eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware: Version number of the file PestPatrol5.exe
eTrust PestPatrol Anti-Spyware Corporate Edition: The ImagePath value
trol Remote”, and ProductVersion from version information resource of
The version number of the eTrust PestPatrol COM control ppctl.dll
Currently 5.0.0.x, where x is the current sequence number of pploc.dat as
indicated in lfinfo.dat
The creation date and time extracted from the database header of pploc.dat
Current status of Active Protection: 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled
Currently an empty string
C omputer Assoc ia tes Attribute Informa tion 15
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